
Hello. I'm Katie.

I'm a wife, a mama bear to four, a dog lover, and incurable adventurer. I am also a NASM Certified Personal Trainer and super passionate about making fitness real and accessible for women.

I'm the wearer of many hats and love sharing my thoughts, advice, and even some complaints about said hats. I like to keep it real here, and everywhere. Authenticity is key.

With that said, I have to be honest... I have always struggled with self image. I remember buying "diet" books when I was only 11 years old. I would read my mom's magazines for the latest flat belly secrets.... When I became a mom I was just shy of my 19th birthday. That was hard for a lot of reasons, but some really tore at my self-esteem. My body changed in ways that none of my friends were experiencing, I didn't even look like some of the women who were already mothers, and I spiraled down a path of self-loathing. After being diagnosed with clinical depression and anxiety, I decided that hating myself was exhausting and it was having a negative impact on my young son and other relationships as well as my own quality of life. I was not the best mom/friend/daughter/sister/student I could be and I deserved to feel strong and confident. Through exercise and nutrition I began a journey of self-love and self-care. After all, you can't pour from an empty cup.

I hope that by sharing my journey I can inspire you to become the best version of yourself and live a life full of love.

Your friend,
